
Dragonflies have long bodies, transparent wings and are insects with big eyes. A dragonfly among the people are known as.Called scientific Anisoptera sub-directory, which is part of there are more than 5,000 species of Dragonfly.

Dragonflies, 6 legs, a thorax, a head and an abdomen. The abdomen is long and fragmented. Despite having 6 legs, the dragonfly can't walk very well. Dragonflies can hover in one place, fly extremely fast and can even fly backwards. It is one of the world's fastest flying insects.Some can reach speeds over 50 miles per hour.

Dragonflies blue, Yesil, yellow, and red comes in various colors including. They are some of the most colorful insects on the planet. Also 1.5 cm in length and 12.5 cm in length, they could come in various dimensions to

How To Feed Dragonflies?

Dragonflies love to eat mosquitoes is one of the best things about. August carnivores and beetles, flies, other small insects, including other dragonflies, and even they may eat all kinds of.

To catch their prey, creates a basket with her legs. Then her legs to catch their prey with bite.The things they caught while flying can eat.

Dragonflies have large compound eyes. The Dragonfly has small eyes and a thousand eyes allows you to see every aspect of these.

Facts About Dragonflies

  • When first hatched, the larvae live in the water throughout the year. When they started to leave the water and fly, can live between 6 months and 7 years.
  • Even took off in the morning sun and have to warm up before flying.
  • Dragonflies don't bite humans.
  • No flies do not have common properties.
  • Fish, ducks, birds, water beetles, dragonflies are fed with.
  • According to some reports, because of the beauty of Prophet Yusuf have been given the name of a dragonfly that is.
  • Skorsky type helicopters of the news reports have been made in the design with inspiration from these insects.


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